3 Epic Calorie Items Guarantee Weight Loss
food calorie calculator

Do you want to lose 30lbs or more?

Well there are 3 Epic Calorie Items Guarantee Weight Loss.

The weight loss percentage calculator will help you to know how much time it will take to lose 30 lbs.

There are many websites which give you the option to calculate weight loss. You only need to find a reliable website and enter your information like height, age and gender.

Through the calculator, you get an idea about total calories that need to be taken daily.

The tool also calculates the 3 different calorie deficits so that you get idea how much time it will take you to lose 20lbs or more.

Weight Loss Calculator is the best tool, which is used by many people to know how much calorie they need to take daily in order to get desired body shape.

Table of Contents 3 Epic Calorie Items Guarantee Weight Loss

How to use calculator

  1. Enter the height, age and weight.
  2. Then enter the number of kilos which you want to reduce
  3. After that click on the weight loss calculate option
  4. After that you will get 5 options from which you need to choose one option which makes you feel comfortable

This tool is very important for weight management. It tells about the calories, which a person needs to take daily in order to lose desired weight. This tool also helps to keep track of calories intake daily and how much weight is reduced. You need to take fewer calories in order to reduce more weight. It is not possible to reduce 60 pounds in a week so it is better to enter genuine information in calculator.

Why to use this calculator

  • It is well-known fact that weight is one of the factors, which is responsible for many diseases. There are also other factors like BP, blood sugar level and many more but weight is very important factor. With the help of weight loss calculator, you get the idea how to reduce weight and how much calories to consume daily.
  • This calculator requires very less data.You need to enter only weight, height and age.
  • Obesity becomes the common disease. It becomes very important for people to treat it before it gets worse. With the help of this calculator, you take the exact amount of calories daily and lose maximum weight. The result obtain through this calculator is best
  • This calculator is available online. Therefore, from the comfort of your home you can calculate calories which you need to consume daily in order to reduce desired weight.

People do heavy dieting and heavy exercise in order to reduce weight but they did not get desired result. Heavy dieting is not the solution of your problem. You need to take required calories in order to stay active. People who do heavy dieting become ill or weak. Through this calculator, they get the idea about the correct amount of calories their body required due to which they prevent to intake calories in excess. This is the best way to reduce weight and get the desired body weight. This is permanent solution of people suffering from obesity or overweight.

Use METs for accuracy for calorie Count

In the Internet community, you can find websites offering inaccurate, third-hand, unsourced information about counting calories everywhere. 

Proper weight management relies on calculating your daily calorie needs. Calculating your preferred regular physical activity’s caloric expenditure is an essential component of this process. 

Often, online data can be murky at this point. In order to understand calories, you should be familiar with Values based on Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR).

A person of the same weight may burn different proportions of calories if he or she runs at the same pace (e.g., 10 miles per hour or 6 mph) while performing the same task. 

Over time, the calories burnt by a heavier person will be higher than by a lighter person. Therefore, physical activity is measured in metabolic equivalents, or METs. 

Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is how much energy you expend while sitting quietly. Similarly, this varies between people, but the ratio of a given activity to it remains the same. 

As a result, METs measure various physical activities as multiples of RMR. The energy expended by running at 10:00 mile pace is 10 times greater than that expended by sitting quietly. 

When you factor in your RMR, body weight, and the duration of the activity, you can accurately determine how many calories you burn.

There is a trusted (and easily downloadable) resource offering MET values for an impressive array of physical activities: Compendium of Physical Activities Tracking Guide By using the following equation, known as the Mifflin equation for RMR, you can calculate your RMR and determine your caloric expenditure fairly accurately.

For men:

(10 x w) + (6.25 x h) – (5 x a) + 5 = RMR in calories burned over 24 hours

For women:

(10 x w) + (6.25 x h) – (5 x a) – 161 = RMR in calories burned over 24 hours


w = weight in kg (your weight in pounds divided by 2.2)

h = height in cm (your height in inches multiplied by 2.54)

a = age

In the equations, the percentages of muscle and fat are not taken into account. As a result, if you have a lot of muscle, it’s less accurate, because muscle burns calories when you’re at rest, and fat does not. A person with an above average amount of muscle will therefore have a higher RMR than calculated; a person with a below average amount of muscle will have a lower RMR than calculated.

Divide the result by 24 to establish your RMR over one hour. Multiply this value by the number of METs your chosen activity expends, according to the Tracking Guide. The number of calories you burn per hour when you perform this activity.

When tallying a day’s worth of energy, you need to include lifestyle exercise, such as walking or performing chores. 

As well as the thermal effect of food, eating and digesting burn a small amount of calories. 

By simply entering your goal weight into the RMR formula, you can establish any weight loss plan. It is generally recommended that you do not lose more than two pounds per week. 

One pound of body weight equals 3,500 calories, so cutting 1,000 calories per day is considered safe (1,000 x 7 = 2 pounds per week). 

Remember too, that increased lean muscle mass will raise your RMR over time, giving your weight loss a natural boost.

Sample Exercise METs

Weightlifting (general “light or moderate”) 3.0 METs

Walking (3.5 mph or “brisk” on a level, firm surface) 3.8 METs

Tennis (singles) 7.0-8.0 METs

Cycling (200 watts or “vigorous” stationary) 10.5 METs

Running (8:00 mile pace or 7.5 mph) 12.5 METs

Sample Lifestyle METs

Washing Dishes (standing) 2.3 METs

Golf (walking, carrying clubs) 4.5 METs

Gardening (digging, spading, composting) 5.0 METs

Dancing (aerobic, general) 6.5 METs

Healthcare professionals agree that activities are important

Moderate intensity means burning three to six METs; those burning more are considered high.

Vigorous exercise is defined as exceeding 6.0 METs.

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